John Hazel Nerd Blog
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Obsidian as a CMS

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My own personal blog, with Obsidian as a CMS.

The concept intrigued me because I wanted to make blogging so enjoyable & accessible for myself that I would be drawn to do it and take joy in it.

It seemed simple enough of a concept. But the big challenge for me was that this was basically my first adventure into a serverless environment.

So my original code was built from a server-mindset and it took a good bit of perspective shifting to make it work for Vercel.

Anyway, it works now! Basically looks like: Obsidian > github/obsidian > github/astro-blog > vercel

  1. Use Obsidian Git Plugin to commit & push when a new Blog Post is up
  2. gjohnhazel/obsidian repo (private) receives the push and triggers a GitHub action to trigger this GitHub action in gjohnhazel/astro-blog.
  3. The GitHub action deploys to Vercel
  4. Vercel’s Build script calls on fetchContent.js which pulls the content from the Obsidian repo, does any transformations needed, and saves the images
  5. The build script finishes and the site is re-deployed with the updated content!

To re-create this:

  1. Fork or clone this repo
  2. In Obsidian, install this Obsidian git plugin
  3. Create the following GitHub action in your repo (obsidian/.github/workflows/main.yml)
    name: Sync Blog from Obsidian to Astro Blog

        - 'Blog/**'
        types: [simulate_push]

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - name: Repository Dispatch
        uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v1
            token: ${{ secrets.REPO_DISPATCH_TOKEN }}
            repository: gjohnhazel/astro-blog
            event-type: update-blog  # This should match the type expected by the receiving repo's workflow
  1. Create the following Secrets in your Repos under repo > Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions: a. In Obsidian repo, REPO_DISPATCH_TOKEN b. In astro-blog repo, TEABLE_API_KEY (if you take advantage of categories & Teable), VERCEL_PROJECT_ID, VERCEL_TOKEN